Wednesday, August 20, 2008

A New Addition

I was so fortunate to have met the Smith Family on Monday to photograph their new addition to the family, baby “R.” This little guy was so amazing! We had him naked for almost 2 hours and he only cried when I bumped him while in mommy’s arms. I hope his contented little heart has forgiven me. We got some great shots of him and the family. Here are some of my favorites (They weren’t easy to narrow down so there’s quite a few).

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Just Because.....

I took some time on Saturday to photograph my baby. It has been several months since I last photographed her. Here were some of my favorite shots.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Back to School/1st Day of School

Monday was an exciting day for all of us here in the Maxwell household. For our daughter it was back to school and for our son it was his 1st day of school. That’s right 2 kids in school, one in the 3rd grade and the other in kindergarten. We have been preparing for this day for weeks now. We had most of the school shopping done and had practiced our routine the week before school. I also have been preparing myself for the day my son would leave me. I was doing really well until…………………the bell rang!! I saw him get in line and he gave me this look of worry and the waterworks began!! My little man has left the nest. Good thing for him that he has a loving sister who is very willing to make sure that he is alright and that puts me a little more at ease……just a little. Here were a few snapshots from our 1st day of school.

This is something we do EVERY year. Dad is about 6 foot 6 inches so this gives you some idea how tall the little ones are. It’s hard to believe that 3 years ago she was where our son is today.

Look at the excitement on her face.

Look at his!

Doesn’t this face say, “I’m so ready for school?” Ummmm…I think not.

This was the look that made me cry.